Friday, February 13, 2009

I hope this idea works!!!

A tradgic fire in the Herbology room caused all classes to be cancelled for the day. Ron, Harry and Hermione found themselves enjoying the day in the Great Hall. Hermione was pouring over a thick book, and Ron and Harry were enjoying a game of wizard's chess.

The doors opened and Neville walked down the rows to sit next to Harry. His eyes were red, and he looked a little less high-strung and nervous, as was usual for him.

"Hiya, Neville!" Said Ron, bitting his lip to keep from laughing as one of Harry's chess pieces flew across the table in two pieces.

"RON!" Cried Neville, and burst out with laughter. "Ron!"

"What's wrong with you, Neville?" Asked Harry, pausing from his game and looking at Neville suspiciously.

"What's wrong with YOU?!" He laughed some more, being very obnoxious. "Look!" He pointed suddenly to the table where sat the teachers. "A unicorn!"

Hermione looked up from her book, and glared at Neville.

"D'you mind? I have reading to-" She stopped suddenly. "Neville? What is wrong with you?" She looked at his face puzzled. Then she gasped as she came to a realization. "You where there when the Herbology room caught fire! Harry, Ron, take him to the common room as fast as you can! I'll be there in a minute!" She marked her page and stowed her book in her bag.

Harry and Ron escorted Neville to the fat lady.

"Password?" She asked, staring pointedly at Neville.

"You are!" Cried Neville, guffawing.

Harry sighed and recited the password. The trio walked through and placed Neville on a chair. He melted into the fabric and looked at the ceiling, his eyes glazing over. "Oh man. I feel great," the boy almost sang in a whisper.

Harry and Ron exchanged glances and shrugged.

"Say, Neville, what's wrong with you?" Asked Harry, settling into his favorite chair near Neville's.

"The plants we where using in the Herbology room caught fire, and I think the smoke did this to me. It's awesome!" His voice slurred a little, and he sounded as if it was just a thought to himself.

Harry and Ron exchanged glances again.

"What's it like, Neville?" Asked Ron.

"The best feeling in the world," he replied in a tone worthy of Luna Lovegood.

Ron turned to Harry and said, "I want to try it, too!"

Harry's brow furrowed as he took in Neville, and thought to himself. "Me too," He decided.

BAH I'm tired. THa's the end for now :p

1 comment:

FLAPPY JOE said...

TESSA was that really from the books because that was kind of weird!! But i yet still laughing my head off!! Good blog!!